The second International Conference of Women Engineers and Scientists (ICWES) took place in Cambridge, United Kingdom in 1967. It was organised by the Women’s Engineering Society (WES). The following material is scanned from the published proceedings from the conference, published here with permission from WES. (N.B. All material opens to the project’s Google Drive, where PDFs are available of the material listed.)
Vol. 1 contents list
Front page
Front matter dedication
Volume 2: Food Enough for Everyone
Vol. 2 contents list
Ebun Adegbohungbe “Application of Physics to some Economic problems in Nigeria”
Umrana Ahmed “Application of Microbiological Techniques to Food Problems”
Volume 3: Woman Professional Engineer
Vol. 3 contents list
Outline of session 1
Kathleen A.V. Booth, “Canadian Attitudes towards the Employment of Women in the Technical Professions”
Janine Badoz, Josette de Bellefonds and Nicole Becarud, “Une femme peut-elle reussir une carrière d’ingenieur en France?” (+ appendix of illustrations)
H. Brocher, “Women Engineers Today in Germany”
K. K. Khubchandani, “Social and Educational Attitudes to Women in Professional Engineering with Particular Reference to Indian Environments”
Zenaida Gonzales Gordon, “The Filipino Woman Professional Engineer in the 60’s”
Ragnhild Wallin, “The social and educational attitudes to women in professional engineering in Sweden”
Elizabeth Laverick, “The Women’s Engineering Society’s contribution to changing attitudes” (UK)
J.A. Shercliff, “Women engineers in training” (UK)
The Soviet Women’s Committee, “Role Played by Women Engineers and Scientists in the USSR”
John B. Parrish, “Future role of women in US science and engineering”
M. Dormer Ellis, “Factors Affecting Sex Differences in Aptitude for, and Interest in, and Achievement in Mathematical and Scientific Subjects” (Canada)
Session 2: Discussion (summary)